
A checkbutton is like a regular button, with a label and a callback function, but it also holds and displays a binary state.

The Checkbutton object has the following attributes:

  • parent - the parent object
  • text - the label to display
  • command - the callback function
  • variable - the variable holding the state value
  • onvalue - the value when in the ON state
  • offvalue - the value when in the OFF state

The standard checkbutton

Here is an example of 3 checkbuttons


The callback function cb writes this to the console:

--- languages ---
English 1
German 0
French fluent

We notice that the default offvalue is 0 and the default onvalue is 1. In our case:

  • var0 toggles between 0 and 1
  • var1 toggles between barely and 1
  • var2 toggles between 0 and fluent
import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()

var0 = tk.StringVar(value='1')
var1 = tk.StringVar(value='0')
var2 = tk.StringVar(value='0')

def cb():
    print('--- languages ---')
    print('English', var0.get())
    print('German', var1.get())
    print('French', var2.get())

tk.Checkbutton(root, text='English', variable=var0, command=cb).pack()
tk.Checkbutton(root, text='German', variable=var1, offvalue='barely', command=cb).pack()
tk.Checkbutton(root, text='French', variable=var2, onvalue='fluent', command=cb).pack()


Now let us rewrite this program by using lists.

import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()

texts = ['English', 'German', 'French']
vars = [tk.StringVar(value='0'), tk.StringVar(value='0'), tk.StringVar(value='0')]

def cb():
    print('--- languages ---')
    for i, s in enumerate(texts):
        print(s, vars[i].get())

tk.Checkbutton(root, text=texts[0], variable=vars[0], command=cb).pack()
tk.Checkbutton(root, text=texts[1], variable=vars[1], command=cb).pack()
tk.Checkbutton(root, text=texts[2], variable=vars[2], command=cb).pack()


A better Checkbutton class

It’s time now to define a new and better Checkbutton class which can do everything in one line:

Checkbutton('English;German;French', 'print(self.selection)')
  • the items are declared as a semicolon-separated list
  • the command is a string to be evaluated in the Checkbutton environment
  • the items are available in self.items
  • the selected items are available in self.selection
  • the selection states are available in self.val

This is the result written to the console for three consecutive selections:

['German', 'French']
['English', 'German', 'French']
"""Create checkbuttons."""
from tklib import *

app = App()
Checkbutton('English;German;French', 'print(self.selection)')

Now let’s see how this class is defined